Daith Piercing for Migraines – One Year In

For years, I had frequent headaches. I thought they were just sinus headaches but after speaking with a specialist, I realized they were actually migraines. In August of 2019, I suffered the worst migraine I’d ever had. It lasted 18 hrs. I could not eat – everything came back up. I could not sleep. I took Tylenol with Codeine and could not get relief. Any sliver of light was like a sledgehammer to the head. I actually couldn’t talk because it hurt so badly. My husband was at work, so I resorted to texting my children and asking for things like popsicles and water. The next day I called my doctor and she said I should be seen. Apparently, I probably should’ve gone to the ER with that bad of a migraine but there was no way I was moving.

My migraines were increasing in both frequency and pain. My doctor ordered an MRI to be done. I am SUPER claustrophobic but that’s a post for another time. I survived my MRI. I didn’t have any tumors, but they located areas of white matter areas common to individuals who suffer migraines. Basically, the MRI told us that I was suffering from migraines. So glad I paid money for a test to tell me what I already knew…

The docs had me try a couple different meds. I changed my diet. I was going to a chiropractor and even had some massage therapy sessions. I was still not finding significant relief. You have to realize I was having approximately 2 migraines a week and daily headaches. I was near tears every day. It was like living in a brain fog. I started doing some research on my own and came across mention of a daith piercing for migraine relief. I did more research and a crap-ton of praying (Is it okay to use crap-ton as a measurement for praying???) and it all kept leading me back to a daith piercing.

On January 15, 2020, I went and saw a piercer, one who was highly reviewed specifically for daith piercings. She was amazing. She talked me through the knowledge she had (20+ years piercing experience). As luck would have it, when I showed up I was having my daily headache but she was thrilled because that allowed her to explore the pressure points in my ear to see what would give me some relief. Normally, you’re supposed to choose the side that you experience the most migraine pain. Unfortunately for me, I suffered equally on both sides. Once the right point was identified, she pierced my left daith.

I paid her, got my care instructions, and headed to my car. I got inside my car, locked my door, and started to cry. My headache was gone. It was the first time in months I was actually pain free.

I’ve kept a headache journal. In the last year, I have had about 4 migraines on the left side (even with the piercing). However, they have not reached the intensity I was experiencing before the piercing. I still get anywhere between 1-4 mild migraines a month but almost exclusively on my right side. Since getting my left daith pierced, I’ve only had 2 migraines that were REALLY bad. As I said above, I was having daily headaches and weekly migraines (usually 2-3). This is AMAZING progress. I’ve continued to research and found a great article from Medical News Today (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/tragus-piercings-for-migraine#effect-on-migraines). It discussed how tragus and daith piercings working together could help relieve and prevent future headaches and migraines. Within the first month of having both ears with a tragus piercing, I’ve noticed a further decrease in pain. I now plan to pierce my right daith to see if I can decrease the migraines/headaches on the right side of my head.

Here’s how my first year went (some pictures are kinda gross, sorry):

1/17/2020 – Day of piercing. You can see some swelling and purple ink from the marker used to mark “the spot”
4/4/2020 – I did great until about April. I had noticed some swelling about a week prior, and it progressively got worse. I know this one is gross, sorry.
4/15/2020 – I had developed a keloid or blood blister. My piercer suggested Apple Cider vinegar as a treatment. No pain.
5/13/2020 – ACV didn’t help so I used Liquid Colloidal Silver. That helped TREMENDOUSLY.
6/6/2020 – The swelling was gone and just a bit of a bump left. No pain.
8/15/2020 – It’s always been common for my ears to turn red for random reasons. Still getting goopy leakage from time to time. No infection. Just irritation.
9/29/2020 – It turns out the hoop I had in was not surgical steel and was causing irritation. My original piercer went out of business (thanks a lot, COVID) but I found another great one who replaced my jewelry with a surgical steel bar.
12/12/2020 – I added a tragus piercing. We have a nerve called the vagus nerve that runs in through the daith and tragus parts of the ear. The piercings work together to relieve and prevent migraines.
2/8/2021 – Doing better every day!

My migraines were the extreme case. Do daith piercings work? I can answer with confidence that they do. Do they completely eliminate migraine pain? From my experience with just my left daith pierced, I’d have to say no. However, my pain has decreased substantially and I believe it has helped to prevent migraines. I’ve been asked if getting your daith pierced hurts. Well, yes. It really depends on your pain tolerance, but I did not think it was too terrible. Remember, I was having daily headaches and even went to my piercer with one. The almost immediate relief outweighed the pain. It will be interesting to see what my experience is when I get my right daith pierced.

In short, if you are suffering and can’t find relief, give this a try. If you have any questions, feel free to comment down below or shoot me a message. Good luck!

Grandma’s Pockets

Do you ever know you want to say something but you’re not sure how to say it? That’s where I’m at right now, so please bear with me.

On January 21, 2021, my sweet Grandma Una passed away. Grandma never met a person she couldn’t be nice to (at least not that she let us know of) and never came across a sewing project that she shouldn’t conquer. From blankets to potholders or doll clothes to full-sized patchwork dresses, Grandma Una was the Michelangelo of sewing (or perhaps the MacGyver…). I made the arrangements that I needed to and headed on my way to be with family.

The day before the funeral, I headed to the funeral home to help my sister do Grandma’s hair. As strange as it may sound, I wanted to be there to support my sister but also get my last few moments with Grandma. My mom and I met my sister Natalie, my Aunt Emily, and my cousin Kelsey. Once the funeral home was ready for us, they brought us to a room where Grandma was. Natalie and I took a moment to breathe through impending tears along with everyone else. The funeral director showed us the cart that held all their beauty supplies and encouraged Natalie to use anything she needed that she may not have brought. He then went on to let us know the supplies were there to do Grandma’s makeup. We all looked at each other because that was not something that had been talked about or planned for. My mom, being the “helper” that she is volunteered me and Natalie. Natalie looked at me and said, “I’m doing her hair so you can do her makeup.” Sisters. Am I right? I waited for the panic to set in but it didn’t. I thought I could do it. At least, I hoped I could. I could always use Google for help, right?

Before we went any further, the funeral director asked us if we’d like to start with a prayer. Again, my mom volunteered me. I can’t tell you what I said, but I can tell you that I meant every word.

Aunt Emily and Kelsey dressed Grandma for the very last time in her beautiful white dress. A beautiful white dress that was, of course, one of her creations. Once she was dressed, we went to her to take in the moment. I looked down at her little form and saw the pockets on her dress. Think me silly if you will but they were the most beautiful pockets I’d ever seen. Pockets that Aunt Emily told me Grandma was very proud of. They looked like a bloomed flower or even a little pocket of sunshine. Made with love.

Natalie got started with Grandma’s hair. Kelsey and Aunt Emily helped with some direction. I just hovered and started to look through the makeup for the shades to use on Grandma. Here’s the thing: I don’t think I EVER saw Grandma wear makeup. I knew whatever I did had to be very simple. However, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen funeral home makeup but it’s full of wretched orange hues. As I looked, I uttered a silent prayer for help and to not mess this up. I was just getting ready to say I was making a Walmart run for makeup when I saw a very pretty burgundy that could be applied very lightly. The perfect hue.

After helping Natalie finish adding some fluff to Grandma’s hair, she stepped back and let me help Grandma. I applied some soft color to Grandma’s lips and a light blush to her cheeks. Simple just how Grandma liked things. While we worked, Aunt Emily told us stories about Grandma that we had never heard before. All the details bringing a smile to our faces and reaffirming what we always knew, Grandma was an amazing angel of a woman.

Let’s be real. I am not exactly skilled as a makeup artist. I do okay as a regular artist and kept my fingers crossed those skills would see me through. As I was working, I realized something. No brushstroke was going to change the way she was seen. No blending was going to change the way she was loved. Grandma was already a masterpiece.

Once finished, I stepped back and joined Natalie. There was nothing to do but put our arms around each other. Kelsey joined us and made it an even better hug. An even better moment. This was exactly what Grandma would want – love from us to each other.

I’m sure you’re sitting there reading this getting weirded out or even nervous on my behalf, but I’ve got to tell you, it was a special opportunity that I will cherish. Providing service for Grandma was the most natural thing I could do. Being there allowed me some last moments with a woman who loved her family and her God with unassuming strength and fierceness. There is a peacefulness in sharing those last possible moments with someone you love.

I meant it when I said Grandma was a masterpiece. A life, a woman of outstanding artistry, skill and workmanship. She approached all aspects of her life with the care and attention to detail that she showed in her beautiful pockets. Spending that last bit of time with her helped my heart. It reminded me of the important things that I have forgotten. It reminded me to put greater emphasis on my family. It reminded me to put more trust in God.

I took a picture of one of her pockets. They are the perfect summation of the example I need to follow. I want to follow Grandma’s example and put as much love and care and detail in my work, in my relationships, in my life, and in my spirituality that she did. When I lose my way, I want to think of the hands that so willing cared for others, so effortlessly loved others. The gentle hands that fit so perfectly in those beautiful, little pockets.

Grandma’s Pockets ❤️